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Edwards Co-operative Education Program

Generously supported by Federated Co-operatives Ltd

Hire Edwards talent

The Edwards School of Business believes in a well-rounded education and our co-op/internship opportunities provide real-life experiential work experiences to enhance classroom instruction. Choose from two programs, the Edwards Co-operative Education Program for third-year undergraduate students and the Edwards MBA Internship Program for first-year MBA students with little to no relevant experience.

Hiring an undergraduate or MBA student is great for:

  • Evaluating future talent in a cost-effective way without having to make permanent hiring commitments
  • Employing additional staff for short-term leaves, peak periods and/or projects
  • Injecting creativity, new perspectives and enthusiasm into your organization

Recruit from August through December. Undergraduate and MBA students are available each January for 8 to 12 months.

Detailed Timeline Document

Student Recruitment Package

We have students available from six areas of undergraduate study including Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing, Human Resources, and Supply Chain Management; and our MBA Program.

How to get started

Consider the following:

  • Determine if there is a temporary need or an opportunity for a student to fulfill daily or ad hoc duties 
  • Develop a description of the specific type of work or project they could complete and the skills and qualifications required
  • Consider the salary you can offer. The average salary ranges from $20-$27/hour
  • Determine the length of the work term. Students are available every January for 8 months or 12 months
  • Coordinate with your staff, supervision and possible mentoring roles that will be required
  • August through December is the ideal time to recruit for a January start

Next steps: 

  • Work with Edwards Career Services to post your vacancies on CareerLink starting in early August
  • Mark your calendar to attend the Edwards Networking Open House in early September to meet the highest selection of potential candidates
  • You decide whether to interview or not based upon the applications received
  • If/when you are ready to make an offer, contact Edwards Career Services
  • Prepare for the student's start date in January

Are you an employer looking to learn more and stay up to date with the Edwards Co-op Program? Sign up to receive notifications, including a reminder to post your jobs!

* indicates required


Edwards Co-operative Education Program benefits small businesses

Hiring a student from the Edwards co-op program is an ideal way to cover a short-term leave, a peak business period or a specific strategic project. Read more.

Working with Edwards Career Services

  • Edwards Career Services ensures co-op/intern student meets admission requirements showcasing their communication, interpersonal and academic skills, and more importantly, a sincere interest in succeeding
  • All students participate in professional development workshops to prepare them for their work terms
  • Edwards Career Services monitors students to ensure a successful and productive experience for both the employer and the student
  • All students are required to write academic papers and a consulting report at the end of their final work term

Employer responsibility

  • Set learning objectives and provide a meaningful experience
  • Supervise and mentor the co-op/intern student to maximize their personal development
  • Communicate and evaluate their experience
  • Welcome a site visit by Edwards Career Services in the first two months of each work term


  • When can I start posting my jobs on Careerlink?
    Wednesday, August 21 is the earliest employers can start posting jobs. Postings will go live to the students on Friday, September 6.
  • Is there a co-op networking event?
    Yes. Friday, September 6, 2024 is the co-op open house at Prairieland Park.
  • How do co-op students receive my employment offer?
    Employers must submit their rankings on October 22 at 5:00 pm. These offers all get released simultaneously at 9:00 am on October 23.
  • Can I make direct offers to students?
    No. All offers must go through Career Services and will be released simultaneously.
  • My offer is accepted. Now what?
    Once you receive an automated email of acceptance from CareerLink, you may proceed to send/contact the Coop/Intern student with any formal documentation required. Within one month of the start date, Career Services will send information out to the work supervisor regarding expectations of the Co-op/Intern experience.
  • No one accepted my offer. What are my options?
    On October 24, employers can re-post their opportunities for available Co-op/Intern students. From here, individual timelines will be arranged to meet employer and available student needs. There is also the option to try again next year.
  • What kind of salary should I offer?
    We recommend a salary in the range of $20-27/hr plus benefits. Possible benefits include health and medical coverage depending on term employee status. We recommend you establish a budget based on prevailing marketplace wages and conditions to maintain your organization’s competitiveness in the recruitment process. Paying a wage at or above the market wage will accomplish that. You will ultimately determine the salary paid to the student and be responsible for the administration of pay and deductions.
  • Are Co-op/Intern students entitled to vacation and/or time off?
    Co-op/Intern students must work a minimum of 525 hours and/or 15 weeks for each four months. The student will accumulate vacation time (depending on the provincial regulations in question), but it will be up to both of you to negotiate if and when that time will be used (while adhering to the min. hours/weeks per four-month period). We encourage a discussion about holidays, paid/unpaid time off, overtime, earned days off, etc. before students begin their work term.
  • Why do you only offer a January start?

    According to our research, this was the ideal time for a business to take on a Co-op/Intern student for a maximum of eight months with a four-month extension option.

    Our B.Comm Co-op students do not select their major until January of their second year and then must complete three classes towards their major before starting their work terms. By offering the January start, students have the fall term to pick up their required classes.

    For MBA students, their program starts in September, and they will only have completed one-third of their program by December. January is the best time based on the nature of their class schedule.

  • Can I hire a Co-op/Intern student for only four months?
    The simple answer is ‘no.’ Since our program requirements are for two four-month work terms back-to-back (8 months starting each January), it is difficult for a student on a four-month work term to immediately find the next four-month placement. There are rare cases where companies have hired students for 4-month work terms only when a student has come available for May.
  • Can I extend the eight-month work term for another four months?

    Yes, but only for an additional four months. Co-op/Intern students are required to return and finish their degree requirements after their placement (with or without the extension).

    Should the organization and student mutually agree to extend the placement for another four months, both parties must agree and confirm with Career Services by the end of May of the placement year. Students who accept an extension are still required to attend the Networking Open House in early September as part of their academic requirements. The employer will be required to provide time off for this mandatory attendance should an extension offer be granted.

Funding Opportunities

Funding is available to hire Edwards co-op students! See more details below and contact us for assistance in navigating this process.


Celebrating 15 Years of Edwards Co-operative Education Program

Since 2015, the Edwards co-op program has been generously supported by Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL). Read more.

Interested in learning more?

For more information on Career Services and the Co-op/MBA Internship programs, please contact:

Edwards Career Services
Edwards School of Business
University of Saskatchewan
25 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
S7N 5A7

Call Us 306-966-6560 Email Us